Past Featured Artists
Featured Artists 2023
Amy Von Bargen -Ceramics
Paul Georgieff - Mixed Media
Jenny Levernier - Jewelry

Featured Artists 2022
Marielle TerBeest Schladweiler -Fibers and Wearables
Emily Donovan - Painting
David Menk - Ceramics
Featured Artist - 2021
Festival Canceled
Featured Artists - 2020 (Virtual)
Emily Donovan - Painting
Jaana Mattson - Fibers and Wearables
David Menk - Ceramics

Featured Artists - 2019
Kat Corrigan - Painting
Richard Gruchalla and Carrin Rosetti - Ceramics
Sue Hammes- Knopf - Jewelry

Steve Claypatch
Feature Artists - 2018
Steve Claypatch - Glass
Peter Jadoonath - Ceramics
Jim Sannerud - Wood
Dick Cooter
Feature Artists - 2017
Debbie Cooter - Fiber
Dick Cooter - Ceramics
Kim Crocker - Jewelry
Emily Gray Koehler
Feature Artists - 2016
Emily Gray Koehler - Printmaking
Ann Ringness - Leather
Chuck Solberg - Ceramics
Michael Tonder
Feature Artists - 2015
Brenna Busse - Mixed Media
Michael Tonder - Glass
Judy Freij-Tonder - Glass and Jewelry
Dan and Lee Ross
Feature Artists - 2014
Dina and Leo Lisovskis - Jewelry
Dan and Lee Ross - Sculpture/Printmaking
Regula Russelle - Book Arts
Patti Berg
Feature Artists - 2013
Guillermo Cuellar - Ceramics
Patti Berg - Fabric
Bob Carls - Wood
Margaret Dittrich - Jewelry
Bob Briscoe
Feature Artists - 2012
Bob Briscoe - Ceramics
Marcia McEachron - Sculpture
Craig Campbell - Glass
Dan Mackerman - 2D