Artist Information:

2025 Call for artists is open from January 1 until March 1, 2025. When open, you may review your application here.

about the show: 

The St. Anthony Park Arts Festival is a one-day juried art show and community event that is held annually on the first Saturday of June. The festival takes place on the lawn in front of the St. Anthony Park branch of the St. Paul Public Library, and on the neighboring streets at the intersection of Como and Carter Avenues. The St. Anthony Park Branch Library Association is the sponsoring organization, and the festival raises funds to support programming for all ages (including the Summer Reading Program for children) at our local Carnegie branch.

Our mission statement gives some background on the arts festival and its relationship to the Library Association.

We are very pleased to offer a Best of Show Award and three Merit Awards, made possible by a generous grant from the Harlan Boss Foundation for the Arts.

We ask that all artists are present in their booths on the day of the festival, and that all art sold in a booth is hand made by the artist.

2025 costs:

  • Jury fee: $20

  • Booth fee (if accepted): $150


  • Most booth spaces are 12' by 12'

  • Regional advertising and promotion - print, radio, social media, and more

  • Easy curbside loading, nearby parking and a positive, friendly atmosphere.

  • Artist hospitality during the day, booth sitters, and artists’ boxed lunch

Application Process:

The St. Anthony Park Arts Festival is a juried show. We encourage you to apply! It is all of the great artists who make this show happen each year.

We appreciate the hard work and skill involved in making fine craft and art, and we aim to treat all applications equally and with care. Applications will be judged by a jury of experienced art professionals, using the images and statements provided by the artist. To be considered by the jury, all artists need to submit an application. Work must be hand made by the artist. You need to be present on the day of the festival, selling your own work.

Applications and communication are done through this web site and/or by email to: You may also call us at 651-689-3390 with questions. More information is also available in the Artist FAQ.

2025 Key dates:

  • January 1, 2025- Artist applications open

  • March 1, 2025 - Artist applications close

  • March 21, 2025 - Artist acceptances sent out

  • April 5, 2025 - Booth fee payments due

  • May 1, 2025 - Last day to cancel with a refund (refund after this date is at the discretion of the Director)

  • June 1, 2025 - Festival day!

The artist application consists of a statement where you can describe your work and techniques, three images of your work with a short description of each, and one booth image. The jury will see your statement and images of your work and booth, however, identifying information about you will not be visible to them.

Photographs that show your work well are really important. The images should clearly display the items to be sold; jewelry and other small items in particular must have enough detail so that the jury can judge the quality of the work.  If you don't have a booth image, it would be helpful to see a photo of your work laid out for display in the way that you would display it in a booth. The booth image, or its substitute, is very helpful to the jury to get a sense of the breadth of your work.

Your images will be displayed to the jury on a large screen for optimum detailed viewing. For best results you should size your image in the long dimension to be around 2000 pixels. The monitor is oriented in the typical landscape way, wider horizontally, so images that are horizontally oriented, or at least square, will use more of the display than vertically oriented images.

If you want to sell art in your booth from more than one category, you will need to apply and be accepted for each of the categories. For example; if you want to sell ceramics and glass, you will need to apply in both the Ceramics and Glass categories, and be accepted for both. Note: If the majority of the work you intend to exhibit is worn as jewelry please submit your application in that category.

Booth-sharing is allowed only if both artists have applied on time and have been approved by the jury. Bringing someone along who has not gone through the jury process is not allowed. You cannot add someone after you have been accepted, nor add merchandise in a category that you did not go through the jury process for.


Our jurors are chosen based on their professional expertise and years of experience working as an artist or representing the arts.

Applications within a category are shown to the jury in the order in which they were submitted. Within each application, the images are projected to the jury one at a time in the order uploaded, while the artist's statement is read.

After the art is evaluated, the aggregate jury score is used to rank the applications within each category. The jurors along with the show organizers then decide the accepted and waitlist groups in each category. The Director has discretion in each category, up to 5% total for the fair, in order to ensure balance and quality of the show overall.

Award winners from the previous year and Featured Artists from the current year are automatically accepted into this year’s show.


You will be notified as soon as possible after the jury meets, which we anticipate will be by March 21, 2025. If you are accepted, you will need to pay online or send a check to confirm/save your spot in the show, or let us know if you are not able to participate, by April 3, 2025. If we don’t hear from you, we will assume you are not coming and will reassign the spot. 

It is our discretion whether or not we will refund the booth fee for cancellations after May 1.

Thank you for being an artist! Without art and artists, how dull living would be.